BF from Gepetto

    • BF from Gepetto

      Hui, muss das sein. Von der Gepetto FB Site:

      Paweł Mikos: The prototype is almost done , I will finish it probably tomorrow , I just want to make sure that I not copy something by accident, thats why I asked this question ;)box have two removable parts : battery cap and bottle itself , no any doors , covers etc , is made from one solid piece of wood - like Elite v2
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    • Pawels BFs kann ich den Holzköppen nur empfehlen.. ich hatte mal 2 davon.. unter anderem den allerersten den er je gebaut hat.

      Der Bursche ist ein echter Künstler... ich hab die nur an Freunde abgegeben weil mir die Holzfeeder einfach zu groß waren.. Bottomless Pit weine ich ab uns zu noch ein Tränchen nach.. aber wenn ich will kann ich den ja beim Düsseldorfer Drückertisch immer wiedersehen :greedy:

      damals konnte man die immer nur innerhalb von Sekunden im alten UK Vapers schiessen und die Preise beliefen sich auf aus heutiger sicht wahnwitzige 130-150 Euro incl. Porto :ahhhhh:

    • ****Elite v2 Bottom Feeder - Presentation***

      It`s been a while since I came up with something new so here goes ...
      I`m a fan of squonkers but I wasn`t all that satisfied with the designs
      that I`ve seen so far - there always was something that didn`t suit me
      100% so I decided that it`s time to go back to the old drawing board.

      Let me show you what I came up with - finally I`ve managed to make a
      bottom fed mod that is made of one piece of wood (I`m not a big fan of
      moving parts when I can avoid them),
      dna, easy to fit a bottle and you always have a finger on the bottle -
      no more trying to squeeze a bottle through a small window or sticking
      out plungers.
      I`ve taken my old Elite V2 design and worked around
      it to make a bottom fed box that`s ergonomic, not too big and that can
      be operated with ease.
      It`s no thicker than an elite v2, 10 cm tall and only 6 cm wide.
      Capacity of bottle is 10ml

      The upper hole is there to make it easier to attach the bottle to the
      connector - it`s quite hard to do it if you can`t see anything and I
      wouldn`t want anyone to try to fit the bottle and fail.
      For now it`s
      a prototype that I`m testing and I wanted to ask what you guys think
      before I send it out to a buddy of mine in the USA for some more
      Some things might change, but for now I`m quite happy with
      it - bottle is easy to use and even easier to install, I avoided all
      the magnets and stuff and managed to avoid flaps/doors and the need to
      open the mod

      If you want you can share this info on FB and forums - I`m rather busy and can`t do it on my own, but I`d love some feedback


      Answer for some PM's question:

      - I working on 23mm catch cup, so If I manage to get a 23mm catch cup
      connector you`ll be able to use any atty you want - and I`ll do my best
      to do that.

      - As for leaking and so on - that`s what this
      prototype is for. I want to see how well will it work and improve/change
      if something doesn`t work as planned. Even if you`d have a leak then
      that`s not that big of a problem - it won`t touch the electronics or the
      battery and you can just clean it up with a q-tip. The wood is
      stabilized, so it`s very resistant to eliquid and any other type of

      - The upper hole is there to make it easier to attach the
      bottle to the connector - it`s quite hard to do it if you can`t see
      anything and I wouldn`t want anyone to try to fit the bottle and fail.

      - Bottle is 10ml , dimensions of the box are: around 10cm x 6cm x 3cm

      - battery is 1x18650

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      :avadance: :avadance: