the SMPL mod by Epic Design Studios.

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    • the SMPL mod by Epic Design Studios.

      Introducing the SMPL mod! An original mod from Epic Design Studios! The SMPL mod was a year long journey; produced to simplify the vaping experience. The SMPL mod is compact, easy to use, innovative, and proudly made in the USA (Garden Grove, CA). Features include: Direct battery to atomizer 510 connection for enhanced performance and battery life, "No Top Cap" design constructed out of a one piece tube eliminating hybridizers and top caps, and a simple short throw recessed button that easily threads and un-threads from the tube with a finger or coin. There is no top cap, no bottom cap, and no adjustable pins. You simply twist on your atomizer, drop in your battery, and twist up your button. That's it. The best part? It only costs $120!

      -18650 22mm x 78mm
      -18500 22mm x 63.68mm
      -18350 22mm x 48.44mm

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      We currently are not accepting international orders. Please contact online[at] for international sales inquiries and our sales support team will be able to assist with all questions.