Mr Jake by ClassicFog.

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    • Mr Jake by ClassicFog.

      Tech specification :

      Material : Stainless steel
      Diameter : 22mm
      Battery : 18350, 18490/18500, 18650
      Pins : Brass
      adjustable pin "+"
      Straight blockade, on the left thread
      Lenght : 18350 - 62mm / 18490 (18500) - ~77mm / 18650 - ~92mmm
      Surface finish : Machined (lathed)
      Laser engraven logo
      Individually numbered
      Air hole in button mechanism (undistinguishable without disassembling).

      Mechanical mod. Will be available only in sets. One set includes a tube and peripherals (caps, spring, etc).
      We are considering to add an optional set of magnets available with the spring mechanism.

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