Anatolian Mods - BX40/60 - SX 60 BoxMod.

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    • Anatolian Mods - BX40/60 - SX 60 BoxMod.

      Sales will start next monday with purple rose wood, I will open list here first come and pay first served. Every night will be a different wood and we will finish in 4 days. Afterward we will start new and maybe last turn.

      Prices will be as following
      Rose Wood 180 Usd
      Lignum Vitae 180 Usd
      Walnut 190 Usd
      Vera wood is 225 Usd

      Shipment cost will be added depending on Country

      Specs :
      Dual 18650 mechanical mosfet mod.
      Body : Exotic woods
      Dimensions: 95*50*25 mm
      Metal parts : SS
      510 : self adjusted SS.
      Switch button : Engraved SS
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      SX 60 and DNA 40 version ( if evolv will provide the chips ) BX 40 or BX 60 model draft at BX 40 there will be power up down buttons

      Vera wood

      The box done by Kıymık Ahşap Tasarım. Many thanks Kerem. You are a real craftsman. Interested to see his talents please visit his site

      100 W at Anatolian smile emoticon
      Never mind for the front panel my bro never listen to me, but he always do it again

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