Pandora's Box by Bryan Mohamed.

    • Pandora's Box by Bryan Mohamed.

      Tease is over...
      You'll get to see this here 1st...
      80% of how Pandora's Box once finished... and pictures of items you're running for on 30th September 2014...
      Lads... Dream has becomes reality... Myth and Mystery Answered...

      Choices of Raffir you can choose to have
      6 colors, 5 design

      Here's how the process of signing up will be:
      1. Ready your FB name and FB link. (To fill at Google docs)

      2. List will opens for 30 mins max on 30th Sept 2014 11.30pm (Malaysia Time) and closed sharp at 12am (Malaysia Time).

      3. Those who made the limited run list will then be PMed personally via FB to finalize their details and pick a Raffir's limited design they wanted and/or any add ons.

      4. Price Suggested $350 each (not including Shipping method used and PP charges 4%).

      5. Payment have to be made 72 hours after the list closed. (50% from total Invoice + PP charges + Shipping charges) and 50% balance when mod is ready for shipping. Failure to do so will result in your slot be given to the next person in the waiting line.

      *** Terms & Conditions above applied to all to ensure smooth processes. Thank You ***

      Time Keeper to the list:
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      Some other mysteries revealed...
      To those of you who equate more watts to innovation, I respectfully disagree. THIS is innovation. If you think you've seen this screen before, look closer. Sorry, it's ALL I'm permitted to share at this point.

      Don't get too hung up on the .06 Ohm resistance. You need to think about things a little differently with this. Although resistance is still important, not so much with this innovation.
      Note that I changed the photo so we can focus on what's important here. :)

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