Foggatti Switchblade Hybrid Dripper.

    • Foggatti Switchblade Hybrid Dripper.

      The foggatti spitfire/hybrid combo is TINY especially in 18350 config.
      It comes both 510 ready & hybrid ready just like the T22 so existing hybrid owners can add the 'Spitfire' to their hybrid.
      We also have different size tubes (vapist edition) in stock now. dripping through the oval tip is simple and the new oval tip feels great! juice then trikkles down to feed upto 3 coils

      Also the first of a few new projects from Foggatti are expected by the weekend. The Dripper Codename; Spitfire will be added to the site and again some units will be available at UK Vapefest. Hopefully I can unveil the second project at Vapefest too :)
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    • Vapist News !!

      Tomorrow I'm expecting the arrival of the first new project from FoGGy.
      I've been using the codename:Spitfire for this project but I can finally reveal the new Foggatti dripper will be called
      The Foggatti Switchblade.

      It's a Tri-coil dripping Atty that is both 510 and hybrid ready.
      I will have a small batch of the Foggatti Switchblade attie and also a small batch of Switchblade hybrids going online ASAP.

      The Second project codename; King
      Will be released at this years Vapefest.
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