Grey Bishop & Genesys Wide Beta von Bishop Mods !!!

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    • Ich hab den Modder mal auf Facebook angeschrieben ob man auch ordern kann, wenn man keinen Account im italienischen Forum hat.

      Die Antwort war sinngemäß, dass es sich hier um einen Betatest für die Forenmitglieder handelt.
      Danach wird ggf. nochmal überarbeitet und dann noch diesen Sommer der offizielle Verkauf gestartet.

      Frühe Facebookfans (ist da erst seit Dienstag) bekommen evtl. auch noch die Möglichkeit auf einen Beta-Test.

      Ein Beta-Test für mindestens 230 EUR ist mir zu teuer - da warte ich lieber erstmal :wink:

      :avadance: :avadance:
    • Facebook News:

      are pleased to announce that we reached an agreement with the woorkshop
      to produce a little batch for our Facebook early followers.
      This means that within this week we will open a wide beta list for you

      Please not that we already have two working prototypes and we are using
      this beta to achieve perfection (or as close to perfection we are able
      to do).


      :avadance: :avadance:
    • Facebooknews:

      [Links nur für Registrierte]

      We are happy to make you know that we fixed some things and we are ready to open the wide beta list.
      As we already said we have working prototypes but we want to know your opinions before the official release.
      Tomorrow at 3p.m. GMT +2 (more or less) we will post the link to a google form.

      There will be 35 spots for both BB and M-RBA and the list will be
      opened for a week or when all the spots will be full (whatever occurs
      If you have any question you can check our "overview" album and if you don't find an answer feel free to ask :)


      :avadance: :avadance:
    • Was js denn BB und M-RBA, ich versteh garnix.
      Was macht das ganze plastik da, is das nu der hybrid für 230 oder nur der atty?
      Was muss man in die liste schreiben, und bekommt man die updates dann wenigstens wenn sich nach der "beta" noch was ändert?

      Bin extreeeeeeeeeeeem verwirrt O.o und kann jetzt jeder auf die oiste, oder nur "early facebook follower"

    • So, selbstlos wie ich bin, hab ich mich für die Community geopfert und keine Kosten gescheut und mich gerade auf Facebook in die Liste für einen kleinen Hybriden eingetragen.

      Gibt allerdings wohl nur 35 Plätze - ma kucken ;)

      :avadance: :avadance:

    • [Links nur für Registrierte]

      Ops! The list is full!!!
      I can't believe it!!!
      I am really sorry but i have to remove the link.

      We exceeded our expectations and there are more reservations than
      available hybrids. We will do our best to satisfy everybody :)

      Thank you very much everybody for your reservations and for those who
      arrived late for this list: we will organize something for you :)

      :avadance: :avadance:
    • Facebook News:

      Goodmorning everybody!

      We wanted to begin this new week with very good news.

      We discussed for the whole weekend the possibility to widen our (already wide) beta.

      On one hand we have to consider that it's our first batch and we would
      like to take care of every small detail to guarantee the best possible
      content in what you'll get. Without any compromise.

      On the
      other hand the enthusiasm and appreciation we received made us confident
      that the results will be in line with our expectations and standards.
      In any case it's worth to take the risk and honour who trusted our job.

      After so much thinking we decided to satisfy as much as we can of
      current list. We cannot guarantee an exact number at this moment since
      we will use all spares, testing, and reserve pieces we allowed to manage
      scrapes and process set-up.
      We will get the most important thing. More feedback and suggestion and feelings about what we did.

      Lucky 35 will be lucky anyway, they will get it 2/3 weeks before the
      others because the workshop has already machined some parts, there will
      be a little delay but we could probably be able to ship lucky 35 by the
      end of the month.

      We ordered some spares to satisfy requests but from now on we will not 100% guarantee if you change your order.

      We will also open an "interest list". On top there will be those (we
      hope very few) that will be out from the list but everybody else can
      sign if interested to get a place in beta (if somebody wants to leave
      his spot) or, If you will not enter the beta, joining the interest list
      will give you priority for our official release too ;)
      You can find the form here:

      [Links nur für Registrierte]

      Best regards to all
      Thank you very much for choosing Bishop Mods
      And for the trust you give us.

      We apologise if something went not as smooth as we expect and thank you
      all for your patient and your support helping us to improve and refine

      We are enjoying all this phase and the opportunity to have a closer relationship with all of you.

      Thank you for sharing our journey.

      :avadance: :avadance: